Board of Directors
A Board of Directors made up of family physicians, students, and residents leads the WAFP. If you're interested in being considered for a position on the WAFP Board, click here to let us know!
Carla Ainsworth, MD, MPH
Ann Diamond, MD
Sonal Patel, MD, MPH
Rodney Anderson, MD
Jordan Storhaug, MD
Diana Huang, MD, MA
Jonathan Wells, MD, FAAFP
Blain Crandell, MD
Jie Casey, DO
Scott Hippe, MD
James Opara, MD, FAAFP
Nelson Chiu, MD, FAAFP
Brianne Huffstetler Rowan, MD, MPH
Adriana Linares, MD, DrPH, MPH, FAAFP
Jose Flores-Rodarte, MD, MPH
Madie Gore, MD
Julia Swanson, MD
Katelyn Bonny, OMS-3
Madison Hubble, MS-3
Extended Leadership
Delegates to the AAFP:
Eastside Delegate
June Bredin, MD, FAAFP, Ellensburg
Eastside Alternate Delegate
Katina Rue, DO, FAAFP, Yakima
Westside Delegate
Gregg VandeKieft, MD, MA, FAAFP, Olympia
Westside Alternate Delegate
Kevin Wang, MD, FAAFP, Seattle
Ex-Officio Members:
AAFP Representation
Commission on Federal and State Policy
Ying Zhang, MD
Commission on Finance and Insurance
Lydia Bartholomew, MD, MHA
Commission on Health of the Public and Science
Jose Flores-Rodarte, MD, MPH
Other Ex-Officio Members
WAFP Foundation President
Molly Hong, MD, FAAFP, Port Angeles
Resident Alternate Trustee
Julia Swanson, MD, Renton
WSMA Delegate
June Bredin, MD, FAAFP
WSMA Alternate Delegate
Lillian Wu, MD, FAAFP
The board has four standing committees – Bylaws, Executive, Finance and Membership. Those committees, in addition to the other committees listed here, offer opportunities for members to be involved in the Academy.
Committee meetings are open to any WAFP member. To find out more about committee meetings or serving on a committee, please contact our office.
Committee Mission
The Bylaws Committee ensures the organization has effective procedures for its board and House of Delegates operations. It proposes and evaluates bylaws changes to the board and House of Delegates. The Committee also advises component chapters on bylaws issues, keeping them free of conflicts with the state (WAFP) and national (AAFP) organizations.
Committee Members
- Blain Crandell, MD, Chair
- EC liaison: Jonathan Wells, MD
Committee Mission
The Executive Committee is composed of WAFP’s president, immediate past president, president-elect, vice president, secretary-treasurer, and speaker of the House of Delegates. It acts for and on behalf of the Board of Directors when relevant and/or whenever the business of the Academy demands prompt action between board meetings.
Committee Members
- Carla Ainsworth, MD, MPH, Chair
- Rodney Anderson, MD
- Ann Diamond, MD
- Sonal Patel, MD, MPH
- Jordan Storhaug, MD
- Jonathan Wells, MD, FAAFP
Committee Mission
The Finance Committee ensures the WAFP is managing membership funds appropriately and in support of the mission. It is responsible for financial planning, account and investment supervision, budget development, and the annual review of the Academy’s financial policies and practices.
Committee Members
- Jordan Storhaug, MD, Chair
- Carla Ainsworth, MD, MPH
- Rodney Anderson, MD
- Ann Diamond, MD
- Diana Huang, MD, MA
- Sonal Patel, MD, MPH
- Jonathan Wells, MD, FAAFP (member at large)
Committee Mission
The Governmental Affairs Committee promotes legislative efforts supportive of family medicine and advocates for the health of the people of Washington. The committee undertakes legislative and health policy initiatives which enhance the ability of family physicians to provide excellent, cost-effective, continuous care for patients.
Committee Members
- Jose Flores-Rodarte, MD, MPH, Co-Chair
- Matt Logalbo, MD, Co-Chair
- EC Liaison: Ann Diamond, MD
Committee Mission
The Membership Committee (formally the Committee on Membership & Member Services) supports recruitment and retention of members in the WAFP, including a specific focus on diverse constituencies. The committee reviews membership needs and trends so member services can be adapted to meet emerging needs. The Membership Committee and its subcommittees devise programs of interest to under-represented constituents and develop programs to promote membership interest and active participation in local chapters. Membership Committee members help facilitate communication among and between members, leaders, and constituent chapters.
Committee Members
- Stuti Nagpal, MD, FAAFP, Co-Chair
- Natalie Nunes, MD, FAAFP, Co-Chair
- EC Liaison: Sonal Patel, MD, MPH
Committee Mission
The Resident & Student Subcommittee promotes the participation of students and residents in the activities of the Academy; Washington state medical schools and residency programs; and other state, regional, and national constituencies relating to family medicine. The committee also promotes understanding between student and resident constituencies and the Academy.
Committee Members
All WAFP student and resident members are welcome to participate. Committee leadership includes:
- Madie Gore, MD, Resident Trustee
- Julia Swanson, MD, Alternate Resident Trustee
- Katelyn Bonney, OMS-2, Student Co-Trustee
- Madison Hubble, MS-2, Student Co-Trustee
- EC Liaison: Carla Ainsworth, MD, MPH
Committee Mission
The Professional Affairs Committee assists family medicine practices as they adopt practice change and redesign initiatives. It identifies practical knowledge development tools to be shared with members on topics relating to patient satisfaction, practice management, and emerging technology. The committee serves as a liaison with health systems to encourage fair treatment of and representation by family physicians, to collaborate in developing plans and programs for improving services and standards in the health care system, and to advocate for fair compensation for family physician teams.
Committee Members
- Jordan Storhaug, MD, Co-Chair
- Rodney Anderson, MD, Co-Chair
Committee Mission
The Public Health Committee represents the Academy with public health agencies, voluntary health associations, and other agencies and institutions concerned with child and public health, medical services, epidemiology, and the social aspects of medicine.
Committee Members
- Ashlin Mountjoy, MD, MPH, Co-Chair
- Rachel Wood, MD, FAAFP, Co-Chair
- Sonal Patel, MD, MPH, EC liaison