Tell us How Your 2025 FMAD Meeting Went! Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Name *FirstLastBelow are spaces for your feedback for up to five legislative meetings. Use as many as you need. If you have additional comments, please email them to Brian Hunsicker at If you took photos, upload them in the space just above the Submit button. Thank you for joining us for 2025 Family Medicine Advocacy Day!Meeting 1: Which office did you meet with? (OK to use last name only)How did the meeting go? Was the legislator or staff receptive to WAFP's messages?Are there any items for WAFP staff to follow up on?Meeting 2 (or scroll to the bottom to submit)Meeting 2: Which office did you meet with? (optional)How did meeting no. 2 go? Was the legislator or staff receptive to WAFP's messages?Are there any items for WAFP staff to follow up on?Meeting 3 (or scroll to the bottom to submit)Meeting 3: Which office did you meet with? (optional)How did meeting no. 3 go? Was the legislator or staff receptive to WAFP's messages?Are there any items for WAFP staff to follow up on?Meeting 4 (or scroll to the bottom to submit)Meeting 4: Which office did you meet with? (optional)How did meeting no. 4 go? Was the legislator or staff receptive to WAFP's messages?Are there any items for WAFP staff to follow up on?Meeting 5 (or scroll to the bottom to submit)Meeting 5: Which office did you meet with? (optional)How did meeting no. 5 go? Was the legislator or staff receptive to WAFP's messages?Are there any items for WAFP staff to follow up on?Upload your photos here! Click or drag a file to this area to upload. Submit